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Ross Township

Ross Township

In the beautiful area of Ross Township resides 33,033 people where 77% are homeowners. With an average age of 43, the residents of Ross Township are well established, with many growing families of all ages. Over the recent months roughly 43 homes have been sold with an average sold price of $268,262. That is a decrease of $4,878 from the previous period.

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Selling Your House During The Winter Sweet…

Selling Your House During The Winter Sweet…

A lot of people assume spring is the ideal time to sell a house. And sure,…

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What’s Motivating Homeowners To Move Right…

Over the past few years, some homeowners have decided to delay their move b…

Right-Sizing Your Home For A Simpler, Happ…

Right-Sizing Your Home For A Simpler, Happ…

As life changes, so do our needs. What was once the perfect home for your g…